

Below is a list of documents cited herein which you can download:

Currency Proposal a 48 page document by Dan Ecklund, MD, from which the solution and implementation sections of this website were developed.  It shows the thought processes and analysis from which we developed the currency model.   If the above link fails try this one:  Currency Proposal

GGCurrency Implementation Plan:  A proposed business plan for implementing the GGCurrency, Word document, 12 pages.

GGCurrency Printing Costs: A spreadsheet to support the Implementation Plan.  Excel file, 4 pages.

The Soul of Money: Beyond Greed and Scarcity is a 185 page Power Point presentation by Dan Ecklund, MD, based on an unpublished manuscript from Bernard Lietaer, PhD.  It develops many of the points in sections I thru 3 of this section, as well as discusses many related issues.

NOTE: It is best to download the presentation and view it as a PowerPoint Presentation, so that the animations work properly.  If you do not own PowerPoint, you can download a free PowerPoint Viewer HERE.

Terra Whitepaper is a presentation on the proposed Terra Trade Reference Currency referenced in this site.

GGCurrency Structure Diagram with Legend

Local Currency Structure Diagram with Legend

If you have any problem accessing these files, please let us know.