

Alternative Currency A type of money used instead of an official, national money.  Contrast with Complementary Currency.
Archetype A recurrent image that patterns human emotions and behavior, and which can be observed across time and cultures.
Artisanal Created by an artist or craftsman outside of an industrial setting.
Asset Backed Having no intrinsic value but given value by connection with something else;
Beneficial Shares Fractions of ownership by a beneficiary
Bill of Exchange A document guaranteeing the payment of a specific amount of money, either on demand, or at a set time with the payer named on the bill.
Bitcoin An open source cryptographic protocol that operates on a peer-to-peer network and creates and transfers eponymous units of currency.
bitcoin A unit of a digital cryptocurrency which is transferred via the Bitcoin system
Bitcoin 2.0 The system to attach information and attributes to Bitcoin currency units and to transmit non-financial information securely on the Bitcoin system.
Blockchain The series of blocks of validated information forming the distributed ledger of the Bitcoin system.
Bracteaten Thin, wafer-like coins used as money in the High Middle Ages. They were easily damaged and frequently collected and reissued. See The Soul of Money.
BVK Bougainville Kina, the official money of the island of Bougainville in the Solomon Islands
Certificate of Beneficial Interest Certifies standing as a beneficiary of a trust and having a claim on its assets
Certificate of Financial Interest Certifies standing as having standing and a claim on the finances of a trust
Colored Coins Assignment of different types or characteristics to currency units
Community A group of people with a common interest living in a particular area
Complementary Currency A type of money which works with the national money to provide needed benefits which would otherwise be lacking
Commodities Something of value commonly bought and sold in quantities.
Conditional Transfers Transfer of funds depends on meeting certain requirements, such as signatures, fulfilling obligations, or performing actions.
Cooperativa A credit union or financial services company in many Latin American countries
Counter-Cyclical Acting contrary to a business cycle, so that when business activity is increasing, this activity decreases, and vice versa.
Counter-trade Acting contrary to a business cycle, so that when business activity is increasing, this activity decreases, and vice versa.
Currency Money in circulation. A portable version of money or representation thereof. Coins, notes (“bills”), and electronic records are the most common forms.
Currency System A system of circulating and using currency, usually containing physical as well as digital currencies of different amounts, and a system to regulate the currencies.
Cryptocurrency A form of money that uses cryptology to control its creation and management, rather than relying on central authorities
Decentralized Located at several different locations, instead of just one.
Demurrage A charge made to the owner for his use of money. Reverse Interest.
Digital Currency Currency existing entirely as computer records in accounts.
Disseminated Located at several different locations, with no control nodes.
Dividends Money paid to the owners of bonds or shares of a company.
Divisibility Able to be divided into smaller functioning parts.
Electronic Wallet A computer program which keeps track of currency, generally in a secure, encrypted form. Can be located in a computer, smart phone, or in a memory device.
Escrow Money or other assets held in trust by a third party to be turned over to the seller only upon fulfillment of a condition
Ethereum A protocol for creating cryptocurrencies and conditional transactions, with an emphasis on colored coins and whatever different characteristics are desired.
Exchange the act of giving or taking one thing in return for another
Fiat Currency Money which has no intrinsic value, but which is considered to have value because of a pronouncement by an authority
FRN Federal Reserve Notes—the common US “dollar bill”
Fungible Equivalent to all other units of a similar type.
GGBux Printed GGShare notes designed for trade, local and international
GGCoin A cryptocurrency which is traded as part of GGCurrency system, and which is equal in value to a share of GGTrust
GEO The money system initiated by GGTrust, and incorporating shares of GGTrust, currencies exchangeable with those shares, and commodities which back the currencies
GGShares Fractions of the assets of GGTrust, and tradable notes representing those shares
GGTrust Global Genius Trust, an international holding company
Intellectual Property Ideas and written or created materials having commercial value
Interest A time-based fee for borrowing money. Generally a percentage of the money borrowed
Intrinsic Value Having value in and of itself, without needing to be backed by anything else. Such as a gold coin, as compared to a dollar bill backed by gold.
Investment Shares Fractions of the financial assets of GGTrust, obtained by investing money or something of value into GGTrust of one of its companies
Ledger The record of transactions that a bank or company keeps.
Legal tender Officially accepted for the payment of debts and taxes.
Mining The process of using computers to solve complex cryptologic problems in order to validate the ledger of a cryptocurrency. Solving the problems is rewarded by the creation of new currency units for the miner.
Money An agreement by a community to use something as a means of payment.
Money of Account A denominator of value or basis of exchange which is used in keeping accounts and for which there may or may not be an equivalent coin or denomination of paper money
National Currency A nation’s officially sanctioned money
Ostracon A potsherd used as a receipt or as currency by the Egyptians, Greeks and others. See The Soul of Money.
Passbook A small booklet modified by a bank and used as a ledger for a customer to keep track of the amount of money in a bank account
Real Property Real Estate, land, houses, buildings
Share A fraction of the ownership of an enterprise
Smart Property Property whose ownership is controlled via the block chain of Bitcoin or other cryptocurrency, using contracts
Social Capital The amount of benefit to a society and community relationships
Terra A currency designed by Bernard Lietaer for international trade, intended to counterbalance the instability of national currencies.
TRC Trade Reference Currency.   A basket of commodities to be used as a standard in trade.
Treasury Accounts Corporate accounts in which unallocated funds are stored
Unit of Account A standard monetary unit of measurement of value/cost of goods, services, or assets.
Wir Swiss complementary currency dating back to the 1930s.
Yin Chinese term for that which is feminine, dark, cold, mysterious, yielding.   Opposite of Yang
Yang Chinese term for that which is masculine, strong, bright, hard, hot.   Opposite of Yin.

Table 5. Glossary of terms used in this paper.