
安第斯山脉 in South America have been subject to centuries of deforestation. Wood has been in demand for construction, 家庭燃料, and for firing bricks and tiles. There has been minimal attempts to reforest the mountain slopes, 其结果, erosion is causing landslides and rivers are silting up. Several decades ago, 有一个推动整个成长厄瓜多尔和秘鲁的非原生桉树, 而这些已经取代本地物种, 而中毒地面,使本土物种不会增长很多年的桉树已收获后,.

厄瓜多尔在短短 20 几年detroyed 80% 其森林.


我们正在与当地政府合作, 私人和非政府组织林农进行造林计划, 创建乡土树种苗圃, and then hire tree planters to begin reforestation projects. These projects will initially be in the Andes, 一些重点地区由以前的开采破坏, 但将延伸到亚马逊河流域和南美洲西部的沿海地区.

我们还启动项目,适应新技术, 如 空中汽车 垂直起降战机, 在造林山坡被应用.

辐射降低测试的屏幕截图 (PDF)