
Purchase of Pre-Paid Advertising for Contract Advertising Users

這裡是一個雙贏 / 共贏:


GG媒體 隸屬於大 (過度 10 萬會員) 私有組 個人和公司, 從事 民營商貿, 誰是後盾 二百十億美元的美國國債, 過度 49 十億歐元, 目前超過七萬億美元的其他資產.

這個民間團體認為,在我國目前的世界金融形勢, the independent media are in danger. In the United States, 10 年前,有 50 即控制了報紙的廣大群體, 雜誌, and television and radio stations. Now, this number has been reduced to only 5. This contraction of the media reduces the free exchange of ideas, 並允許政府更多的和額外的政府控制.

This group would therefore like to support the established media outlets by purchasing large amounts of advertising from them. They are doing so by authorizing the purchase of unlimited pools of pre-paid advertising. This advertising will not necessarily be used right away, but they will be using some of it later on. The important thing is, 報紙或廣播站將有資金來繼續運營, 並繼續提供其重要服務於民.

目前,我們在四大洲主動廣告代理採購. 在賣廣告給我們或者作為我們代理任何人的興趣可能在這裡與我們聯繫了解更多詳情.


GG Media will be consolidating advertising from its own companies for sale on GG Media and other media outlets. When we are ready to solicit outside advertising contracts, 我們將宣布在這裡.