
Celestavia空運電纜運輸 是一款非常實用, 對於生活在山區運送人員成本效益的解決方案. 這已經在像瑞士阿爾卑斯山的地方做成功, 而且當然, 滑雪勝地 - 但它在適用於世界.

A single Airlift system can carry many more people over a distance than conventional public transport systems like buses. 他們可以在任何地形建造,這也開闢了什麼以前偏僻的地方,貿易和商業機會更大. 最好的, 它需要的能源少得多運行一個系統,空運, 和新技術提供了一種無污染的能源.

We see this as a needed asset for all communities the world over. It will eliminate the the need for many private automobiles, and help reduce the continuing pollution of gas and diesel fuel.