War on Cash Hits the “Least Cabal Nation” in South America

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Most readers probably don’t know much at all about Uruguay.  Located in Southern South America, Uruguay is known for having the “world’s poorest president”, Jose Mujica, who lives in a rundown one-bedroom house he has shared with his wife of more than 30 years and his three legged dog, and his lifestyle is a far cry from other world leaders.  He reportedly earns around $12,000 a year and donates 90 per cent of it to charity.  Mujica refuses to use the transportation that the government provides for him, preferring his own ancient Volkswagen bug, and waits in lines for public health care like his countrymen.

The popular leader not only legalised gay marriage, abortion and marijuana, but unlike most politicians seems widely liked by his own people and many others.  So, it was surprising to get this letter from a foreigner living in Uruguay, showing that the country is following the lockstep anti-cash plan of the global banksters:

I just read something alarming from a forum.  It reads:

  1. The carrot and the stick–A while back, a new law made it possible for you to receive a discount of up to 4% if you paid by credit card.  That was the carrot.

    Now comes the stick. The new law make the use of cash illegal in some cases.  This law was supposed to have gone into effect on June 1st, but has now been delayed, so as to have everything ready when it takes effect.  Beginning on December 1, 2015, rent payments for more than $10.500 (pesos) per month MUST be paid into a bank account, not in cash.  Where necessary, rental agreements must be amended to reflect this fact.In addition, payments for possessions (Bienes) MUST also be paid into a bank account, and not paid in cash, if the total is equal or greater than U$S 4.580.

    Land and vehicles are a special case.  There the limit is also U$S 4.580,00, but these must be paid with a Letra de Cambio or a Cheque Certificado Cruzado.  You may be familiar with the 2 little diagonal lines in the upper left-hand corner of checks, which mean that such checks may not be paid out in cash, and this rule applies here as well–checks must have the 2 diagonal lines in the upper left-hand corner.

    The usual checks will be able to be used for payments for operations and such up to
    U$S 18.280–larger amounts must also be transferred directly to bank accounts.

    There will ultimately be a 11 companies where checks and other instruments can be purchased.  For now, Red Pagos, Anda, and NRL are the first to provide this service.

    One article about these changes was in El Pais at


As the writer of this letter pointed out,the government offers a discount if you use a credit card.  I am not sure how they can give such a discount, since using a credit card in most countries incurs a financing charge of around 3%.  (In the US and many First World nations, this charge is paid by the merchant.  In Third World nations, the financing charge is paid by the customer.)  How can the government mandate a 4% discount?  This is a total savings of 3+4=7% to get customers to use electronic money instead of paper currency.

I found it interesting that there are checks (in the USA?) which have special markings so that they cannot be redeemed for cash, but only deposited in a bank account!  And in Uruguay, the use of negotiable checks is being reduced to only eleven companies in the country!

I guess that the lesson is that even if you have a populist leader who bends over backwards to not take extra benefits from the government, ultimately the Banksters who control the global monetary system get their way in your country.  The War against Cash continues to pull all money under the digital control of the Globalists.

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